Privacy Policy

Safeguarding Personal Data

Our unwavering commitment echoes through the hallowed halls of data protection - a solemn oath to shield you. With duteous intent, we forge our services, each line of code a sentinel, every algorithm a vigilant gatekeeper. The sanctity of your information is our lodestar.

Within our digital bastion, specialized cohorts stand sentinel - guardians of the binary realm. Their vigilance spans firewalls and encryption keys, a ceaseless dance with cyber shadows. They ward off malevolent phantoms, thwarting their advances. Yet, let us not be beguiled by illusions of impregnability. No bastion, however formidable, stands invulnerable.

And now, behold the cartographers of data geography. Some companies, like celestial nomads, traverse the globe, their servers cradling our secrets. We grant them passage, but not without scrutiny.

Personal Information Record

The GSAAA diligently collects various categories of personal information. Before any engagement, we provide comprehensive details regarding the necessity and purpose of gathering this data, unless it is inherently evident.

User-Provided Information

When interacting with us, you may be required to furnish specific details. These could encompass your full name, contact information, or even financial particulars, contingent upon the context. Additionally, any content you share with us—such as creative works—may contain names of individuals, which we duly acknowledge.

Account Registration and Updates

Upon registering for a GSAAA account or modifying your account settings, we solicit essential personal information. This typically includes your email address and age, ensuring seamless communication and tailored services.

Automated Technical Data Collection:

Even when you are not actively logged into a GSAAA account, our systems automatically capture technical data from the electronic devices you employ to access our services via the website. This encompasses details like your IP (Internet Protocol) address, Device ID, and App ID, facilitating a secure and efficient user experience.

Location Information

The GSAAA collects location data when users engage with their products and services. This data helps determine whether users are in areas where the services are available, ensures compliance with Charter obligations, and enables additional features during product usage. The specific type of location data collected (e.g., country, region, city, or town) depends on the product or service being used.

Data Retention

GSAAA retains personal information only for the duration necessary to fulfill stated activities or when a valid reason exists. Factors considered include the type of information collected, the quantity, sensitivity, and any legal requirements.

Use of Personal Information:

  • GSAAA processes personal information based on a lawful basis for processing.
  • Explicit consent may be sought for certain actions (e.g., email subscriptions).
  • In cases where usage is reasonably expected and aligns with legal rights, permission may not be explicitly requested.
  • Information is utilized to deliver services, provide relevant information, address requests, complaints, and inquiries, and personalize services according to user preferences.


GSAAA account holders can personalize their online experience.

Usage data from online services is linked with other relevant information.

Collaborative Research and Data Sharing

Our organization actively engages in research endeavors and frequently collaborates with esteemed research partners. On occasion, we share our valuable content and meticulously curated data with these collaborators. This data exchange may encompass information we have diligently collected, including details related to you. However, we exercise utmost discretion in determining what we disclose and the permissible actions our research partners can undertake.

Utilization of Personal Information by GSAA:

Our guiding principle is unwavering: we never trade or sell your personal information to any entity.

Cookies and Tracking Mechanisms

Let us delve into the realm of cookies and akin tracking technologies

  • Cookies: These unassuming text files discreetly transfer to your computer or mobile device during your interactions with websites or applications. Additionally, we collect analogous pieces of tracking information.

Purpose of Cookies and Tracking

  • Memory Aids: Cookies serve as mnemonic devices, remembering pertinent details about you so that repetitive input becomes unnecessary. Whether it’s your login credentials, preferences, or language settings, cookies streamline your experience.
  • Persistent Sign-In: They facilitate seamless sign-in across different devices, ensuring continuity.
  • Enhancing Services: By scrutinizing user behavior, we gain insights to enhance our services, making them more effective and user-friendly.


Tailoring the GSAAA experience to your liking involves remembering your preferences and settings.

  • Email Tracking: We gauge email effectiveness by discerning whether recipients have read our communications.

Cookie Categories:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: These steadfast companions remain active during your visits and are indispensable for our digital services to function optimally. They align with the audience's needs and interests.
  • Functional, Performance, and Advertising Cookies: These versatile cohorts enhance your overall experience. You have the liberty to enable or disable them at your convenience, and we respect your choices. Their activation hinges on your explicit agreement.
  • Third-Party Cookies: Beware of these interlopers from external companies. They clandestinely monitor your activity across various websites, including ours. For instance, encountering a social media company’s cookie might accompany the option to share content.

Legal Foundations for Processing Personal Data

Within diverse legal jurisdictions, data controllers bear the responsibility of elucidating the bedrock principles upon which they rely to harness or divulge personal data. To the extent that these legal imperatives apply, our rationale for processing personal data is succinctly delineated below:

  • Legitimate Interests: In most instances, we engage in the processing of personal data when it is reasonably indispensable to advance our legitimate interests. These interests encompass the provision of “Our Sites and Services”, aligning with our corporate mission, and ensuring that such endeavors do not infringe upon the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individuals affected.

Facilitating public access to our Sites and extending specialized features to members and registered users.

Enabling participants to utilize the GSAAA Exchange under “Our Terms of Use.”

Advancing knowledge in the realm of business education and comprehending the role of business within society through rigorous research and statistical analysis, all while safeguarding personal data appropriately.

Strategically promoting our organization’s growth and visibility

  • Safeguarding the interests of our organization, including members, volunteers, personnel, partners, sponsors, and property.
  • Conducting thorough analysis and continuous enhancement of our Sites and Services.
  • Addressing and managing legal matters as they arise.

By steadfastly adhering to these legal foundations, we earnestly endeavor to uphold transparency, accountability, and the protection of individual rights in the intricate landscape of personal data processing.

We are committed to transparency, accountability, and safeguarding individual rights in the intricate landscape of personal data processing

Contact us

GSAAA extends a cordial invitation for your valuable input concerning this Privacy Policy. Should you harbor any reservations regarding our adherence to this policy or possess inquiries or observations about our privacy practices, we wholeheartedly encourage you to engage with us. Furthermore, should you deem it necessary, you retain the right to complain to the relevant governmental authority.

To exercise your data-related rights, you may opt to contact us via email using the details provided below. When communicating via email, kindly include the term “Privacy” in the subject line.

Contact Details

  • Email:
  • Call: +1 (888) 769 4954